Wednesday, December 31, 2014

A Few Hours Remaining to Give in 2014!

To our beloved friends and family,
Our son Evan read 3 John this morning and its words gripped my heart and made me think of many of you in the same way. We pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health as it goes well with your soul.  We look forward to 2015 and experiencing incredible joy as we hear from you the amazing stories of your journey in the truth. Thank you for sending us on our journey in a manner worthy of God.  We ask you to pray about a year end gift this last day of 2014 to help us begin another year of ministry in Haiti. We also need new financial monthly supporters to encourage us in the New Year as we are currently only meeting 50% of our budget. Your faithful prayers are what matter most!

If you would like to give a tax deductible 2014 year end gift, or to sign up to support us in 2015 the following link is the best way to do that. Just click HERE or HERE There is also info. provided for processing donations over the phone and by mail.


Because of some of you we will also be able to send Djo’s kids on their journey to learning this next semester and pay for the rest of last school semester and their uniforms. Thank you for the overwhelmingly encouraging response to our last post about helping their family!   Please pray for Haiti as there is heightened political instability and for many in 2015 that God would bring them heightened spiritual stability. 


Peace to you in 2015,

Eric and Elisabeth

3 John

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Djo's Kids

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength...Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these."
Mark 12:30-31

Djo's Kids

Djo (pronounced "Joe"), his wife and their four kids are our neighbors. We pass by their simple gray block house each day and always look to see if their sweet faces are peeking out behind the door. Recently as I was walking by they invited me inside. The house is just as simple on the inside. I pass a little room I'm told is the "depot" where the supplies for Madame Djo's small business are stored. Djo must have seen my eyes stall in the corner where only a few empty soda cases sat. Looking down he said, "We haven't been able to sell for awhile." Next I passed through a floor less, roof less open space that Djo says "isn't finished yet" which leads to the bed, bath, and kitchen. There is one bedroom for this family of six. Two twin beds, a curio shelf with a small television and stereo were the bulk of its contents. I glance up to see large spaces where the metal roof doesn't cover the concrete block sides in several places and imagine trying to sleep there during rainy season. The kitchen galley stands between the bedroom and the "twalet" (toilet room). But there is no toilet. There is no sink or shower either. The "twalet" only contains one single bucket sitting on the floor. I expect it to smell bad. But it doesn't. The house is actually very clean. The "kitchen" contains a metal stand that cooks food over charcoal along with a few pots and pans hanging neatly on the wall. I thank them for showing me their home. 

Djo has been to our home many times. We were introduced to Djo before we moved to this neighborhood by missionary friends and co-workers that know Djo. When we needed help with odd jobs around the house or a ride home Djo would be the person to call. We called him more often when we became his neighbors. Djo has raised one of our walls so our dog can't jump over it (and so neighbor boys can't peep over it to try to catch a glimpse of our girls taking a bucket bath outside), built a trash burning bin in our backyard, installed our driveway, installed a wall inside our house and has used his motorcycle to fetch cooking gas, and large blocks of ice for us many times. Djo is a hard and efficient worker. Every time we have called him with a job he has been eager to take whatever work we offered. Once we asked him if he could help us with a plumbing problem. He came over to take a look but told us that he honestly did not know how to fix the issue. We appreciated that so much and told him so. It is rare to find a Haitian man that won't tell you he can do whatever it is you ask even if he hasn't the slightest clue. Djo has never asked us for anything other than once when he knew I was headed to the grocery store and asked me if I could please pick up some peanut butter for his children to have something to eat that night. 

During the time we were away over the summer months Djo was in a bad motorcycle accident. We were informed by missionary friends that he could not walk or work for months afterward as a result. One thing Djo and his wife work hard for is to keep their four children in school. The start of school was approaching with no money to pay the fees since Djo had been out of work due to his accident injury. The kids attend the Baptist church school in our neighborhood. The school allowed the kids to begin the fall semester with Djo's promise that he would do his best to pay the school fees before the new year. Djo humbly came to us asking if we could help him find sponsors for his kids to continue to attend school because they have not been able to come up with this money. He is back to work now (whatever work he can find) but is still behind due to months of not being able to work. He doesn't want to have to tell his kids they cannot go back to school after Christmas break. 

We try to be very careful about how and who we help to make sure we are really helping. When we prayed about how best to help with this particular need the verse "Love your neighbor as yourself" continued to play in my head and heart. Sometimes Most of the time there isn't a prescribed solution for the many hard things we encounter on a daily basis as missionaries in one of the poorest countries on earth. We remember that Jesus said "the poor you will always have with you". The poor are our neighbors. For us the verse "Love your neighbor as yourself" means that if our kids eat, we want our neighbors kids to eat too. If our kids have clothes to wear and a bed to sleep in, we want our neighbors to have those necessities as well. If our kids are able to go to school...

We would love to be able to give Djo's family the Christmas gift of school sponsorships for all four of his children. The cost is $125 per child to pay for their last and next semester. We would love to find a sponsor family (or multiple sponsors) that would commit to helping this family with future school sponsorships as well. Perhaps if school was not such a huge financial burden on their limited income, they could put more money into finishing their house. We wish we were able to sponsor all the kids but are personally already committed to sponsoring several other children. Therefore, we are giving YOU the opportunity to help us help our neighbors and show them the love of Christ this Christmas. 

Meet the Kids
Age 11

Age 9

Age 7
Age 4

Please contact us through e-mail at if you are willing to provide a school sponsorship for one, two, three, or all four of Djo's kids as a Christmas present to them! It is a joy and privilege to love our neighbors by letting others in on loving them too! Please pray and ask if God is leading your family to love on Djo's kids.

Because He First Loved Us,