Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Other Side

Haiti shares the other side of the island of Hispaniola with the Dominican Republic. The other side is a whole new and different world. The culture is different. The language is different. And there are way different things to do and see and taste...things the majority of the population in Haiti will never get a taste of and cannot even imagine. It is hard to imagine such differences exist side by side. It's still hard for me to imagine it because I haven't been there. It's hard to know that this other side exist and my girls cannot yet go there. I will wait to go with them. 

I told my guys that it wasn't exactly fair that they were getting to visit a country I had never visited. Evan said, "It is too fair because you visited Haiti before all of us boys got to". I suppose he had a point. Still, I'm a little jealous. And seeing the pictures made me a little homesick. But I'm so glad my guys got to go! It was a very quick 2 1/2 day trip with a lot of driving, but it looks like they fit in a whole year worth of fun! 

A huge thank you to our dear friends Miguel and Mairelis who are fellow missionaries in Haiti. They are from the Dominican Republic and the Ream boys were able to get the grand tour from the experts. It was also a chance for our boys to enjoy some summer fun together. Their boys Cadmiel and David are two of our boys best friends and are in the same school class together. Ethan and Evan will never forget this adventure! Praise the Lord for provision to be able to go and for precious friends with which to go! 

Since I wasn't there and Eric isn't here right now, I'm gonna let the boys tell all about it! 
"At the border crossing the floor was so slippery I fell on my butt." -Ethan

After we crossed the border we still had to drive for a long time. The mountains were pretty and looked like Haiti. 
-Ethan & Evan

"I was so happy thinking about McDonald's. If I opened my eyes they would pop out into the sky. Exclamation. Exclamation!"-Evan

"I really wanted to go swimming, but Daddy wouldn't dig our swimsuits out of the car". -Ethan

But I did not care about the swimsuit. 
The water was so cold. 
It reminded me of my home in Texas. -Evan

Lizards are not this big in Haiti! -Evan

These iguanas made me laugh so hard I dropped the whole bag of crackers! Then I fed them my Casinos (Haitian cookies). -Evan

"They were all running around and the big ones kept taking this one little one's food. So I gave the little one 3 whole square crackers for himself. I almost stepped in their poop." -Ethan

Mommy: "Evan, why is this cave here?"
Evan: "It is there to celebrate the Lord. But I think the sign said, 'No boys allowed'. So I kicked it". 

(Proud of the first thought. Humbled by the second)

What the sign really says.
But there are no spanish speakers present at the moment to interpret. And the boys don't seem to remember anything but "No boys allowed". 

Ethan thinks this cave has Indian markings.
Maybe that is what the sign said. 

"We are the kings of the world!"-Ethan
"Or the bunnies!"-Evan

These Indian markings were so fun to climb on...but then Evan almost pooped in his pants!-Ethan

(Evan always needs to go at the most inopportune moments)

"This dog had a goosebump so I was helping him. 
Then he didn't have the bump anymore." -Evan

"I don't think that was a Haitian kenep? It tasted bad."-Ethan

"This is their barn. 
This is where they get their water from. 
The pigs and the dogs drink from here."-Evan
"This is the bathroom. 
They have to pee and poop in a hole. 
The water is for rinsing the pee." -Ethan

(Elita Marguerite votes "bathroom")

This was really cool. There were no tap-taps. The smooth road seemed to go on forever.
 -Ethan & Evan

But the party eventually ended. 
Until the next day!

I loved hanging out at the beach with my brother and friends! -Ethan

"This big tree log was there since we came. Maybe it has been there for 100 years! But that is just an estimation."-Ethan

"I don't think this is Cadmiel and David's grandfather's house." -Ethan

(included because Eric took 3 pics of it so it could be significant)

This was something from Christopher Columbus days. -Ethan

"I think it was a church." -Ethan

Mommy: "Why did Daddy take this picture?"
Ethan: "Maybe the palm trees".
Evan: "Or because of the road and the cars".
Mommy: "Is this different from Haiti?"
Evan & Ethan: "Yep". 

Mommy: "Why did Daddy take this picture?"
Boys: "Because Mommy hates Wendy's"

Mommy: "Why did Daddy take this picture?"
Ethan: "Because Mommy loves Baskin Robbins!"

Mommy: "How many food places did you go to?"
Ethan: "We just went here for the toys!"

You would think we have lived without American restaurants for a whole year!!!

Oh look! There's McDonald's...Evan's happy place!

So of course we stopped by!

"Me, Cadmiel, and David got the same toys. But Ethan got a different one."

(Happy Meal boxes came home with them and Mommy finally sneaked them into the trash weeks later.)

Mommy: "Ethan, why are you running?"
Ethan: "To catch the train because it started without me!"

We are heading to the zoo! -Evan

"That is a rhinoceros." -Evan
"No. That is a cow. "-Esmée

Esmée: "Those are just pigs."

Mommy: "No Esmée. Those are Hippos."

"The flamingos were one of my favorite things. They were pecking their feathers and showing off."-Ethan

"Daddy found this big leaf and I put it on my head. I look like a pirate of the caribbean. And I found a flamingo feather and brought it home to Mommy." -Ethan

I was bumping everyone and we played two games! Ethan was coming to bump me here but I was driving and turned the wheel fast! -Evan

"I was wondering how fast this ride would go. It went fast." -Ethan

This ride made my stomach hurt. -Ethan

"It made me dizzy wiggling up and down but it was fun." -Evan

"There were a lot of choices.  But there wasn't Epi'Dor or Mamacitas. We chose Burger King." 
-Ethan & Evan

There is a movie theatre.
We watched the movie
Brave. It was in Spanish. I understood it because Cadmiel told me all the words. -Evan

This is us in the movie. I am still holding my water but we already ate all the popcorn. I saw a real dog in the theatre. It was a female dog and it had 20 goosebumps on it. -Evan

Mommy: "Evan, what is a goosebump?"
Evan: "It is a little hurt spot."

Sleeping in my bed. It was very hot. But we were very tired. -Ethan

We were at Cadmiel and David's house. It was fun. Very fun. -Evan

We went to the store to get a lollipop. Cadmiel and David's family owns the store. So we got the lollipop for free. -Evan

That is Cadmiel and David's daddy and grandfather. -Evan

This is Mairelis and her family. -Ethan

Oh look! Just look at that road! What we wouldn't give to have roads like this on our side in Haiti!

So now we know that the D.R. at least has Wendy's, Sbarro, Baskin Robbins, Pizza Hut, Taco Bell, McDonald's, Burger King, TGI Fridays, AND Outback Steakhouse! Eric also told me he saw a Chili's.

I asked Eric what this picture was about. He said, "It just reminded me of the Zach Potts family." That made me more homesick.

(Zach is married to my childhood best friend Stephanee. Zach's family owns a dairy farm in TX.)

The very next morning after we got back from the Dominican Republic, it was our first day of 3rd grade and 1st grade. We told everyone about our trip to the Dominican Republic!
-Ethan & Evan

1 comment:

  1. LOVE it! Laughed out loud at the boys descriptions, thank you for sharing :) enjoyed seeing Eric last night, missed you bunches Elisabeth! Love y'all!


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